All nohay of bibi sakina biography
Imam hussain
Sukayna or Sakina bint Hussain or known as Bibi Sakina is the youngest daughter of Imam Hussain (R.A).
All nohay of bibi sakina biography
Bibi Rukeya (AS) (also known as Bibi Sakina (A.S)) was the youngest daughter of Imam Hussain (A.S).
All nohay of bibi sakina biography in hindi
Born as the cherished daughter of Imam Hussain-bin-Ali-bin-Abu Talib (as) and Bibi Umm-e-Rubab, Bibi Sakina’s life was marked by her innocence, her unwavering faith, and .
All nohay of bibi sakina biography in english
She was Bibi Sakina (sa), the young Hashemite princess.