Dinastias chang chou chin han biography

Zhou dynasty location

Northern Yuan rulers maintained the dynastic name "Great Yuan" and claimed traditional Han-style titles continuously until AD or AD ; Han-style titles were restored on several occasions thereafter for brief periods, notably during the reigns of Taisun Khan, Choros Esen, and Dayan Khan.

dinastias chang chou chin han biography

Zhou dynasty emperor

People refer to these dynasties as "times" - they'll say in Han times or in Tang times or in Chou times or Shang times.

Shang dynasty

The earliest ruling dynasty that prospered in China was the Shang dynasty followed by Chou or Zhou and Han dynasty.

Zhou dynasty time period
During the time of the Shang dynasty the Chou formed a small realm in the west, at first in central Shensi, an area which even in much later times was the home of many "non-Chinese" tribes.