Preeti vissa biography of william shakespeare

Biography of arthur conan doyle

William Shakespeare (poet) was born in the Elizabethan Age. The Elizabethan Age was from November 17, March 24, , and was ruled by Queen Elizabeth I. This era was Missing: preeti vissa.
preeti vissa biography of william shakespeare

Preeti vissa biography of william shakespeare

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright born in in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Preeti vissa biography of william shakespeare in 400 words

William Shakespeare (tidigare även Shakspere eller Shakespear), född (troligen 23 april; döpt 26 april [2]) i Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, död 23 april i Stratford-upon-Avon, var en engelsk dramatiker, poet och skådespelare.

Preeti vissa biography of william shakespeare pdf
Under hans egen livstid publicerades endast få av Shakespeares dramer.